
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Batman's Medical Mask and shield


  1. Good morning Harry! Wow I have not been able to get this animation out of my mind since you showed me yesterday! You have done a wonderful job creating this. I am thinking that you could possibly get into computer animation when you are older as your skills will continue to grow and develop and you have quite the knack with computer related things. Did you try any of the cartoon creator sites that I emailed to you? Perhaps this afternoon, we could take a look at these sites and have a play to see what they can do? It would be great to see if we can find another way to build your skills and create animations.
    Was this animation based on a movie that you saw or did you make this one up?
    Thank you for sharing!
    Mrs Wing

  2. Kia ora Harry. Thank you for sharing your amazing animation! I like how you have chosen a topic that you are very passionate about - Batman, Superman and Poison Ivy! I'm glad the good guys won too! You could add a caption at the end to say how Batman defeated Poison Ivy with the protective gear.


    Mr B ;)

    1. Cool comment Mr Barrow but the comment says I'm passionate about Batman Superman and Poison Ivy when if I was a Batman movie character I can't be passionate about Poison Ivy who by the way has evil passion that's why I've created this to make Batman handle Poison Ivy

  3. Kia ora Harry,
    Wow! I'm so proud of you. The detail of your super heroes are amazing!! How did you create them?
    What made you pick Superman, Batman and Poison Ivy?
    I love your captions for each side. Next time you could add more punctuation like exclamation marks!!!
    Can't wait to see your next slide,
    Miss McCombie

    1. Hi Ms McCombie.
      I've picked Batman because the villian in the presentation is one of Batman's and I've picked Superman because He had the power of flight which was the oppuitunity to save Batman and I've picked Poison Ivy because She has evil passion therefor that was the oppuitunity to create Batman to handle Poison Ivy

    2. with a shield and a medical mask.

  4. Hi Harry like your slide show you made I like how you made 33 slides it looks like it would of token a long time to make that and I like how you put batman, superman and poison ivy.Next time you could make color to the shield and the mask.

  5. HI harry i like your little edit good job, I really like it. next time you could add nothing else cuase its really good.

  6. Hi Harry

    Mrs Wing showed me this amazing animation in one of our after school meetings and I was very impressed. I like the way you have used the speech bubbles to show the characters communicating with each other. I wondered what the green line was coming from Batman but you explained that it was an ivy tendril that poison ivy was shooting out to try and grab him! Very cool. I can't wait to see your next creation!

  7. Kia ora Harry,

    I'm a Manaiakalani facilitator based in the Te Hiku cluster in the beautiful far north. Your teacher shared your blog with me today and I was totally amazed the creative ways you are showcased your learning!
    I agree with Mrs Wing, you do have a knack for creating things digitally, I especially love the way you have drawn the characters and the details you have added. This must have taken you quite some time, as you have even made the character able to move their arms etc. Fabulous effort! Do you think you would like to have a job in computer animations one day? Keep sharing your great learning!
    Venessa Davan - Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator.

  8. Hi Harry.

    I love the background color you put in.

    It has a lot of detail.

    Next time you could add a sun in the sky.

    Have a great day!

  9. Hi Harry,
    I like your blog post about Poison ivy and batman.
    is batman your favorite superhero.
    I like how you added speech bubbles so we can see how batman's communicating with superman and poison ivy.
    Great Job!!

  10. Hi Harry,
    I really like you blog post about poison ivy and batman i think is really cool. I really like how much detail you put into this post. Maybe next time you could write a little blurb about why you chose this subject.

  11. Hi Harry,
    I really like your slide it's really cool. You are really good at making slides. Maybe next time you can add more to the slides because I'd like to hear more.

  12. HI harry i like your little edit good job, I really like it. next time you could add nothing else cause its really good.

  13. Hi harry im Lily from Panmure Bridge School In Auckland.your animation is just terrficict looking a you animation just blew away.What made you think about making animation about batman and posion ivy ? Looking at your animation gave me an idea of making a animation about something that helps people with stuff
    keep the good work up from Lily

  14. Kia Ora Harry
    Im kruse from panmure bridge school. I like how your animation is detailed. What inspired you to make this animation?


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